Thursday, September 8, 2016

Purposeful Planning...

Planning is integral to student success in the classroom. No longer is it a quickly written page number from a teacher's edition or a title to a blackline master activity sheet. Today, lesson plans include many components including, but not limited to, the standard(s), learning target(s), guiding questions, anticipated misconceptions, breakdown of the lesson cycle (opening, work period, closing), differentiation, and targeted small group instruction. Additionally, this year factors to consider are the dimensions in T-TESS and Rigor/Relevance through the Curriculum Instructional Review Process.
Collaboration and Reflection while planning and as instruction is delivered is key. Todd Finley, in the recently online article "9 Ways to Plan Transformational Lessons..." concisely shares the layers of thought and action that goes into planning. How, as a campus, can we grow in our practice with purposeful planning? What are tools or practices we can streamline/develop to foster best practices?

Longhorn Master Builder News 9-12-2016

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