We reivewed the starting point of how RtI begins on a kiddo. Through the use of our district Universal Screeners- DRA, District Math Assessment, STAAR data (end of 3rd, 4th and 5th). We reviewed the different TIERS and breifly became aquainted with the Pyramid of Interventions both with content and with behavior.
Clarification was provided in the Tiers where we were able to understand that Guided Reading/Small Group where the instruction is on that grade level TEK it is TIER 1. When instruction in Guided Reading/Small Group is hitting a skill deficit and instruction is scaffolded to a lower grade level TEK it is TIER 2. It was also clarified that students that receive TIER 3 intervention via our interventionist, a carry over into the classroom of supports is essentail and support is a shared responsibility.
Through the use of assessments, identifying the most essential skillls, identifying campus and district hotspots we can hone in on the most essential skill gaps with our kiddos who are falling behind. This is where we bring in the superpower of laser focus.
Through the resources provided in the "orange folder" (also in our RTI Resources folder on the PLC Team Drive) and tools such as the Lead4Ward Scaffolding Supports we can hyper focus on a specifc skill within a strand.
To help focus our RtI efforts it was shared with everyone the depth and complexity of the eSTAR program that is utilized by Mrs. Trice to enter our data. Tied to that is the format for efficiently and collaboratively identifying the area of concern, elaboration on the strategies, targeted intervention through strands, identification of the goal (skill/pre-requisite); frequency of intervention; data collection; and strategies for intervtion. This is captured through our Intervention Documentation (available in the RtI Resources folder... making a duplicate via "Doc Hub" to create a document form or add to an existing RtI Documentation form {video coming soon}). In initial RtI meetings teachers will fill out the top of the Intervention Documentation form (for behavior, math, and/or reading) and partner it with the Tier 1 spreadsheet (located in the RtI folder). As we meet for follow up meetings the bottom part of the Documentation form will be filled in and shared with the RtI Team. A few things to remember... no more than three areas in a content/behavior area should be focused on and data must be collected in the same way and be quantifiable.
A great example of that documenation is snip from a third grade Documentation Form Example:
Note that this form is a guide. It is not meant to constrain your documentation but simplify and support- provide that vehicle for laser focus. As a campus and as a teacher we can change and modify to honor your autonomy in this process.
Where the biggest lightbulb moments came were in the resources, particularly in regards to the Florida Center for Reading Research. Our hope is to get these resources organized and at your fingertips when coming to RtI/SST meetings by the middle of January. Additionally, we have heard the plea for support/training regarding Math Interventions and we are reaching out to our district Math Coaches on ways to support in that area.
We are in the process of re-designing the BLUE Check-in Sheets. This is a process and we are not asking for perfection. We are learning with you and through you. The biggest message I heard in all of this is how can we work together, with the successful strategies you share in this RtI process that can help others. With a big helping of grace and a committment to figure this out TOGETHER, we are going to be doing amazing things to help ALL students succeeed.
Please share your ideas, wonderings, questions and concerns.
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